Friday 5 December 2014

VA - Young Hungarian Electronic Music Composers -1983- (LP, Hungaroton), Hungary

As promised in the first post of Hungarian electronic music, here's the second one that came out in Hungary compiling some of the electronic music composers that were active in the seventies and eighties. I have to say that this one is probably the key record for Hungarian electronic composed music and in my opinion even more incredible than the other one.

Five Hungarian composers are present here: Iván Székely, Miklós Csemiczky, Máté Victor, Lászlo Király and István Szigeti. Some of these composers have published some solo records in Hungary which are really worth it to check out. The music ranges from electro-acoustic pieces to really intense electronic pulsating sounds intwertwined with singing of Hungarian vowels. It never bores and is really versatile while still creating the feeling that it's a whole, which is an amazing effort done for a compilation.

The first piece For Alrun by Iván Székely was recorded live in 1975 during an electronic music showcase in Bayreuth. The record starts and ends with two Hungarian folk songs to complete the musical journey:

Gyere ki te gyöngyvirág                      
Mert feljött a holdvilág, jaj               
Majd kimegyek hajnalba              

Magos fejű kalapba, jaj

Folk Song:
Come out, you lily,
For the moon has risen, jaj
I'll go out at dawn

In a high-topped hat, jaj

Weöres Sándor: Lied:

Várlak a déli sugárban,                 
várlak az éji sötétben,                      
várlak a télben, a nyárban                
várlak a földön, az égen                  

Lied by Sándor Weöres:

I await you in the noon sun,
I await you in the dark night,
I await you in winter, in summer
I await you on earth, in the sky

Get it HERE


  1. This just screams "Sample ME".

  2. Beirut (Libanon) = Bayreuth? (Germany)

    1. No I mean, Beirut as in the capital of Lebanon, بيروت‎

  3. Please check the cover. Its Bayreuth / Germany. Thnks!

    1. Hi! You are right! Very silly of me. And I can even read Hungarian and English.

      Thank you for the info, it's now corrected.

  4. I am native Hungarian as well . Örülök hogy valaki foglalkozik ilyesféle zenékkel , blogol róla etc. Méltatlanul elfeledett művek ezek. Köszönöm , hogy javítottad a bejegyzést...üdv Anonymous

  5. A few of these names are familiar to me but I don't believe I have heard this album. I look forward to hearing it. Many thanks.

